


Region Emilia-Romagna is a public authority responsible for the government of its territory. The Italian Regions, whose statutes are approved by their regional councils, were created in 1970, even though the Italian Constitution dates  back to 1948 and recognizes Regions, Provinces and Municipalities.

All Regions enjoy political and administrative autonomy. The former, in particular, has great autonomy in all administrative functions. The regions have exclusive legislative power with respect to any matters not expressly reserved to State Law, as Constitution provided for.

Region Emilia-Romagna is one of the more active Regions among Italy and Europe, with important signs of economic upturn in all productive sectors, driven by the export sector (+2,6%). Positive signs have been seen also in the employment rate, especially in industry, constructions and services sectors.

The Directorate General for Knowledge, Economy, Labor and Enterprises (hereafter: DG) is  the Region’s Managing Authority  for  the  European Social Fund  and  has competence  for  guidance,  vocational  training,  educational  system  and  employment.

The Directorate General for Knowledge, Economy, Labor and Enterprises has  administrative  power  over  contents  related  to  culture, school,  vocational  training  and  labor, research, innovation, sport, economic regional system.

The DG is in charge for:

  • defining EU Operational Programs for social and economic development (e.g.: ESF, EFRD, Community Initiatives);
  • defining systems for monitoring and evaluating the ESF projects;
  • defining European and national policies for social development, labor market improvement  and vocational training programs.

The Region developed the Regional System of Qualifications and  the  Regional  System  for  Competences Formalization and Certification.

The Regional System of Qualifications (SRQ) includes the professional qualifications that are most significant for the productive and economic development of the Region. Currently the system is made up of 154 regional qualifications spread over 43 professional areas.

The SRQ is born as a dynamic tool, which evolves according to the needs and demands that arise from the working reality of the region.


The Regional System of Qualifications consists of:

  • a list of qualifications (repertory);
  • the description of qualifications (professional standards);
  • the procedure for updating and inserting new qualifications (source procedure);

Professional profiles that are:

  • “trainable” through education-training-employment programs;
  • “present and identifiable” in the the labor market;
  • “innovative” in relation to the skills and competences

can be included in the Regional Qualifications Repertory (D.G.R. n. 936/04)

These requirements meet the reference criteria for identifying and selecting the professional profiles. Before being inserted in the regional repertory, professional profiles are further subjected to a process of verification, validation and sharing with social players.
