
On 24 of January the cCLEP! Project teams of the partner organizations met in Lille, in the headquarter of ECLEE.
The meeting started with the presentation of the organizations of the consortium; after this we began to share and discuss various contents related to the project. The main topics discussed were:
– an overview of aims and actions of the project;
– we verified the work plan, verifying and modifying deadlines and times, where necessary;
– we have verified and modified, where necessary, the division of labor.- verified and modified tasks division.

The working group have defined the template that we’ll use for O1-A1: CONDUCTION OF A REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS FOR EACH PROFESSION; it will contain:
– General context of the sector;
– Description (what they do, in their professional practice…);
– Knowledges they need;
– Skills they need;
– Background (what the educational and professional paths to acquire the profile);
– Qualification Level at national or European level (if present);
– Required certifications (if any);
– Training opportunities, and necessity to receive any professional updating (if any).

Assomusica proposed different versions of the project logo. Dopo una discussione è stata approvata la versione che vedete ora nel sito, con qualche piccola modifica.

The general financial rules of the project were shared.
Every six months financial documentation will be collected as summarized in an attached template.

At the end of the second day we left off with the list of things to do, and the next appointment, which will be in January in Portugal.